BOOM Festival 2023 – Personal review

BOOM was such a beautiful and mind-blowing experience 🥰 Thanks to everyone who contributed to create this wonderful festival experience!

I’ve been to many festivals around Germany and my festival-mate also went to Ozora and PsyFi a few times. We agreed on one thing: BOOM is and was really the greatest and most impressive one of them all.

Sustainability & Pricing

Starting with sustainability, which was felt to be an integral part of the festival spirit. Also the pricing was really decent especially for a festival concept for around 40.000 people. An ice-cold 0.3l beer was around 3.70€ and they had transparency reports on some of their drinks and foods hanging at the bars. A metal bottle of water for example was around 2.10€ with which they even made a loss of around 0.21€ each. That was impressive and I would love to see such transparency reports everywhere! Also every food booth had a carbone-dioxide transparency sheet to let people know how big the environmental footprint is for all meals offered. The food was delicious and also very decent priced. A normal meal was around 6-8 € and there was a huge variety of different flavours. It was also possible to buy stuff in the BOOM store (every fruit was 1€, other stuff was also fairly priced).

Also their toilet concept was amazing – it worked so well that we put the water usage to a minimum all together.

As the shower times were limited I used my pocket shower most of the time and was impressed that showering with a water usage of around 10 liters is totally possible without any sacrifice 🥰


Many art installations were just amazing. Both the live graffity and painting sessions and the affectionate light-installations, which created a whole new world at night. Also the visuals created by the water-fountain beamer and the many high-power beamers around the stages created colorful visuals that I’ve never seen ever before in this scale at a festival. Impressive and a good basis for a psychedelic trip! 😎



WE WERE ONE for a whole week!

There were absolutely no borders between people – a heartwarming feeling. I got and also sent so many smiles to people like I never did before. It was amazing to see, that so many people from so many different countries can live, party and enjoy all the beauty together without fights, insults or other violent behaviour. So many people just offered me their meal to taste it after asking them where they got it from. It was so great to see the gratitude of people sharing the same experience, taste and connecting to each other without even knowing where they were from. That was a really strong experience for me!


Almost every style of electronic dance music could be found at BOOM. Starting with Chill or Dub heading over to Drum ‘n Bass, Progressive, Techno and at least all styles of psychedelic music from Goa to Hightech, Forest, Psy and Proggressive Psytrance.

The sound systems have been huge and – apart from them being kind of alternating in their bass pressure sometimes – have multiplied my dance experience.

For all the people who don’t want to dance all the time the offer of workshops, meditations, yoga and hands-on sessions in the Being fields were tremendous. You could also go for a swim in the lake at any time or experience being covered in mud completely. There was also a space especially for kids and their parents – great!


Some tips for people who are planning to go to the next BOOM:

  • Pack as light as possible, you can REALLY go with the same swimming trunks every day and just put on some longer clothes in the evening. I packed around 12 T-Shirts and at least 5 of them were left unused. Less is more!
  • There are big ants and mini-scorpions out there. Mind the scorpions (their stitch is just painful, not lethal) and learn to integrate the ants into your live. They are exploring almost everything (also inside your baggage) and your whole body. They are peaceful (not among each other but towards humans).
  • If you opt for the Cardboard tents move them to a place where they do not heat up in the morning (trees facing east).
  • Paying with the wristband is a huge time-saver. I’m glad that they have this option in parallel to cash.
  • Check the Reddit of BOOM festival to get many insights and helpful information.
  • Have a Sarong and a water-sprayer by hand to ease the heat during the day.
  • Mind long walks between 12 and 5pm as the sun is really strong during that time.
  • Stay attentive and recognize all the beautiful small BOOMs within BOOM.

There are many BOOMs within BOOM!

Unknown (Reddit)


From my experience BOOM was not only a electronic music and art installation festival – it was a whole transformation experience! Every human should be able to attend at least once to be able to feel this vibe of being ONE with everyone and everything and to experience how a totally united world feels like.

Thanks again to everybody who made this possible!





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